>>33710441>>33710691>>33717610Nothing that anon said is incorrect, /vt/, vtubing and the greater fandom of just people addicted to watching streamers in general all really suffer from this.
Every single person who watches a streamer for more than 1 hour, sets notifications for their streams, gives them messages in the vain hope the streamer will read their name and say thank you, all of these people are parasocial.
Streaming is about farming parasocial relationships with the least amount of effort possible.
Trying TOO hard to farm them appears desperate, while not trying hard enough appears like you don't care about your viewers.
Vtubing amplifies all of this even more because the majority of your audience actively hate the real world and want to live in a delusion, vtubers are specifically catering to parasocial fans who want to live in a fantasy.
This is why successful vtubers cover up their hands and never show what they really look like, it's so that fantasy never gets destroyed.
Anyone that disagrees with this doesn't disagree with it on any factual basis of reality, they disagree with it on the basic that it makes them uncomfortable that a hobby they saw simply as entertainment was actually just a series of grifters taking advantage of friend and affection starved loners for monetary quid pro quo gain.