>>33761129You simply watch Ame and scream “Ame” together. You do this until you’re kicked out for screaming too much.
>>33761130At first the guy just wants to go home and play FFXIV, but you manage to get some fun with him anyway.
>>33761137The first legal drink this Sapling ever had! He’s very young and very stupid and you pretty much have to guide him to everything
>>33761138He’s a bit sad from missing all the kino streams, he also misses his oshi, but you’re there to cheer him up!
>>33761145You enjoy more Ame together, but he stops you from screaming Ame with another couple of Teamates, so you’re not kicked out!
>>33761148everything goes fine but the comment on how much you want his sister was out of place, especially since he never told you that he has a sister. Oh well, alcohol i guess.
>>33761152Instead of war stories you hear of how bureaucratic and stupid the army is. You do hear about some rocket fire stories still. You manage to become good friends too!
>>33761165From the get-go the guy tries to groom you and was too obvious about it. You slap the shit out of him and get to drink normally with the guy. Turns out he’s decent
>>33761172You endure a drunk rant about how “cover does his oshi dirty”, put your hand on his back and tell him it’ll all be fine. He doesn’t belieb
>>33761174The Lunaito is an intense person, but a very fun one. You don’t mesh too well together but still manage to get some nice fun around
>>33761202If you thought the chumbud’s rants were intense, this guy just outright cries. He also hugs you, and tells you he needs you. Poor sod…
>>33761242Good job on stopping him from screaming “Ame” too much!
>>33761247You have found the… most special Hooman. He cannot stop talking about how much he wants Mumei. You found out he’s not even from /here/ and also never watched a livestream
>>33761250You find out he’s actually a very normal guy. He hooks you up with more friends too!
>>33761282what the fuck is it with Teamates and Hoomans today
>>33761287You’ve done it!!! YOU HAVE DONE IT!!!
You find a giggly, autistic, Indonesian Koronesuki… reminds you of one of the Holos! You have the best damn night of your life but remain a virgin, as she giggles away
>>33761314Cant believe you snack your way in there Reddit guy
>>33761359You both obsess over each other’s oshis. It’s an ADORABLE sight to behold. You even hug each other.
>>33761383The weird Yukimin, still not changed, is very touchy and hugs you a lot, but in a weird way. Still, you get a friend out of it, so it’s all good… hopefully.
>>33761455The horniest rascal you’ve ever met. The guy is a step away from being Takeshi. The alcohol makes him even hornier. A couple of slaps allowed you to hold a normal convo
>>33761487You both have a very good time discussing your oshis’ 3Ds, and doing the real life equivalent of hornyposting.
>>33761540Your teammates from the last game you played are very angry at you, and beat the shit out of you. They also take your phone away, and you learn that there’s more to life than shitposting
[the /hlgg/ pub has been closed. Apologies if I missed your post!]