>>3460976Cover has, what, 50 or so idols right now? Gura has the most fans, but she's just 1.
Subscribers are the number she dominates the hardest, so let's use that. Assuming every single subscriber is active and a fan, she's got something like 4 times the median, which is a lot, but pretty insignificant compared to the total.
Now let's shift it to be a little less generous. How passionate are her fans? Superchats show that they're a lot less willing to vote with their wallets on average. Like, it's an abnormally low per capita average. She also seems to have an abnormally high number of dead subscriptions, given that her her advantage in views isn't nearly as high as her advantage in subscriptions.
If her fans tried to destroy the agency, it wouldn't be the first time an idol's fans did so. It never works. Even the top talent's fanbase is a plurality, not a majority.