>>3448371Anon, please face the facts. You being good at CS;GO will never impress a woman. You being good at speedrunning Mario will never impress a woman. They don't care. Games marketted towards women are light, fluffy and don't include mechanics that only appeal to hardcore autists. Women do not tend towards engineering or hunting types of games, they prefer social networking and 'nurturing' games. This is a little word you might have heard of once, 'evolution'. There may be exceptions to the rule, but it's a thing nevertheless. If you look at an even like GamesDoneQuick there's almost no women and if they are, they're usually there with partners.
A woman playing a hardcore PvP first person shooter is the same as a woman going hunting deer. They can do it if pressured by their environment (say, a fanbase of a million guys who love shooter games) but it isn't something entirely natural to them.
With all that said, I seem to remember that one pink haired hanging-shirt loli vtuber was doing really good at a battle royale game.