More clip numbers, recent only (<2 Days). Other here
>>34792119Selen(17->1) takes first here (on a really weak day, 400k) with Nijifes zatsu. Interestingly most of it is JP subs. (eNcQuHVkSQc, +72k; lVou82hp7r0, +68k; vdM1RXBlaog, +43k)
Subaru(27->2) with Splatoon and Zatsu. Okayu is the main focus of some of the clips. (vpeSL5Qc7a8, +39k; F5QATlBlQyM, +24k; 1tyD6sIEU4c, +23k)
Gura(1->3) with yesterday's clips. (Bpy596ggEUc, +128k; wjL6OGBwNtQ, +59k; eNFY31I0OfM, +64k/2)
Kanae(52->4) with Trombone and zatsu. (HiVPjbUVV44, +164k; rYIdYNkQgok, +51k; w2hmyRoSHXo, +31k)
Kronii(4->5) with zatsu and Mumei collab. (o0nkDVq4JX8, +54k; 6RXDcIwNAjI, +37k; r8XWcMSmrkk, +30k)
Gonna skip the rest cus I have some other stuff to do.
Split today is 5.1M(+230k) HL to 2.9M(+910k) NJ.