>>3480679>Do you honestly think chuubas need a manager? if so what do you think they should do to help them?1. Yes, they need a manager to verify what they do and the tweets they send and to put them in the right course instead of being a dumb drama chaser/arguing with retards. The manager should "manage" all the tweets, posts, off-stream interactions, PR, mail and organise stuff, just like how it would be on any other product to ensure its quality.
>Do you think Corporate chuubas deliver a higher quality content?2. On theory, corporates have more reach, actual management, more connections and they can get high quality stuff pretty easy. But that being said, corporates like Cover is a bit of a "No", especially with the whole Gura rig drama they've had.
>Would you ever shill to a real life friend? if so which chuuba you think is the most normie friendly?3. I've more or less shilled about Kana and Luto to my irl friend, and he likes their cutesy memey content but don't really regularly watch them. That said, one of my closest online friend (pseudo irl friend cuz he lives near me) is a person who immediately fell in love with Princess Celesse after I told him about it so idk if that counts as shilling, I don't really watch her as much as he does. I dunno what you meant exactly by "normie friendly" because my friends are pretty normie tier and they just love cute anime girls doing cute or lewd things. I would be less inclined to recommend indies, and recommend corporates for the "normies" I'm not acquainted with, because they just seem to be the most drama free and the managers are doing a good job at handling those, to the disappointment of this general that is.
>What is the purpose of this thread in your opinion? Do you get annoyed by wannabe managers?4. This is the western vtuber general and this thread is to talk about decent western indies that are worth watching. I am annoyed by people's low standards for what it is to be a manager. Not everyone can become a manager and they definitely need to know what they're doing or else they'll end up like S-train.
>How long have you watched vtuber content? What was your first exposure? Did you like it the first time you saw it or it took while?5. I have been watching vtuber content on and off. My first exposure was Kizuna Ai, then Yomemi, then Eilene, then Mirai Akari, and those were years ago during the VRC scene. After some time I stopped watching and started getting into vtubers again after the whole Hololive craze. It definitely took a while to get me hooked and I'm gonna lie that the Japanese vtuber clips is what got me into vtubers again.