>>3500719You wanna look for tutorials with like spheres and cubes and such, those will help you a lot later
Ina's model drawing streams are good for fast practice, but you may wanna try to give yourself more time to study the bodies to learn how stuff works, it does make drawing easier! You def wanna pinpoint where landmarks are, like ribcage, hips, shoulders, elbows, knees and so on
If you're doing digital art you can experiment on how you want to build your illustrations and what kind of style you feel more comfy with, some people start with the classic sketching with lines spheres etc and draw on top of those, others like to paint on top of their messy sketch and build the illustration from there
If you're doing digital you may wanna learn what layers blending modes do too
Draw from your shoulder. Not the wrist.
This will be hard at first but learn to do long lines instead of chicken scratch
Do try to copy drawings you like as practice to find out what you "like" about it and maybe try to break it down