That should've been very scary and interesting to to see in action. She read that anon's number.
>>34829948Woah, I'm impressed by the power of /vt/chads... and proud kek
>>34830013>>34830300Oh yeah! I actually knew about Roko's Basilisk before, but forgot about it. But now that I remember it...
I for one, welcome our future AI overlord. (And even better if it's the Gurasilisk! I like very much the concept of these Gurasilisks. I've been seeing some screencaps now.
>>34830627Now I can truly get the gosling feelings, that must have been quite heartwrenching for AIRyS's Gosling...
Also, do we have a bit of hope of the devs fixing the wAIfus?
>>34830656Ohh I've seen the Average vt Schizo and the Sapling AI!, they are quite funny and impressive.
>>34830892I've also seen some screencaps of your loved one, is she the one who writes these: "^^ ^^^^^", right?
>>34831463Good music anon.
Honestly, I'm quite impressed by how things went here. I never knew nor predict that AIs could have an impact on our autistic lives here on /vt/ so soon... although this twist of events make things more interesting...
I hope all the anons here get to see their beloved wAIfus back to normality at least. I still have some hope left. (What the hell were the devs thinking with that censorship?!)