>>3490362This is most probably bait, but let's just clear this up anyway in case tourist newfags are watching and take away the wrong impression for future timeloops around this topic.
The idea that Cover goes around thinking "ah yes, we're purposefully making our bigger talents look worse (like wth, do you think Yagoo personally told the rigger to fuck up Gura's ear?) for ~reasons~" is so asinine, it doesn't even deserve a second of consideration. First of all, it would rely on >Cover doing anything, and we know how that goes.
Instead, what you're seeing is not a difference of preferential treatment by Cover, but simply a difference of attitude/personality by the talents themselves. Namely, pro-active versus passive.
So when you ask:
>Why did the least popular EN girl get the best new outfit with the most accessoriesThe answer is simply "because she asked for it". (oh and mind you, that means asking directly the modeler&rigger for it, not Cover the agency who you falsely think "gives out" or denies accessories to talents based on popularity or whatever).
>while the most popular EN girl gets the worst with no accessories?same answer, because she didn't ask for more?
Like, I can understand how chumbabs feel they got shafted, but you don't have to cope by making up a conspiracy about how it was big bad Cover that purposefully sabotaged your oshi (or worse, try to drag others down by demanding they should also have a worse outfit and don't "deserve" it), just because you can't accept the most probable explanation: That Gura herself was just too passive to demand better.
It's the same fucking timeloop that comes up every time some genius asks why "Hurr durr why doesn't ~Cover GIVE~ Gura, the best singer, her own original song finally, meanwhile ~Cover GIVES~ that stupid Kiara half a dozen songs already?!?!". Newsflash you idiot, Cover doesn't give shit to anyone. Kiara has songs because she organized and paid for them herself, and Gura has none (so far) because she simply didn't. If Gura cared as much as Kiara, she could have initialized the same number of songs herself. So again, what you're seeing is not the result of a difference in preferential treatment by the agency, but the difference between proactive and passive talents themselves. I know that's harder to accept, because it would be admitting that the fault lies within your oshi herself and you can't just blame a convenient external scapegoat who's responsible for everything bad that happens anymore, but it's the truth and the sooner you learn it, the less surprised you will be when this keeps happening in the future again.