>>3493832Just a reminder you are gay if you think of Calli as anything besides your Bro.
You shouldn't have lustful thoughts about Calli and her young heaving breasts, breasts that she is personally annoyed by and doesn't really see the appeal behind, yet would still be embarrassed to show you should you become her lover.
You shouldn't think about her pale smooth skin, or her tousled hair that falls over her eyes, eyes that would well up with apprehension and fear of judgement, as you assure her again and again that she's beautiful as you brush a lock behind her ear.
You shouldn't listen to her voice, the one she rarely shows, the soft and vulnerable voice that comes out when she's tired or has just woken up. The side of herself she doesn't show to the world because she's a dorky tomboy, and people haven't told her how feminine she is.
You definitely shouldn't imagine her first time with you, how tears would form in her eyes as you enter her, from relief that someone finally accepts her, loves her, desires her. Don't think about how her body would shiver and then go limp as you embrace her tightly and whisper that you'll always be there and protect her from all the evils of the world.
And whatever you do, do not, I repeat DO NOT, think about afterwards, when she's resting quietly by your side, small beads of sweat on her body, breathing lightly, her eyes closed as she sleeps, a smile on her face. Don't think about kissing her gently and hearing her murmur your name in her sleep. Don't think about just lying beside her, your head propped up on one hand as you just watch her sleep, as she feels content and safe while you're around.
Because that would be mega gay and you'd have to be some kind of faggot to think about any of that.
You're not a faggot right?