Watching our friend beat the absolute hell out of her meat while singing various songs to us in this very hilarious mea- holy shit she's unleeashing her true power! Her fists are so quick, how can she beat her meat this fast?!
While Ame dropped some hard podcast news onto us, sometimes with Ina, sometimes wwith Gura and sometimes with both! What a thing to be excited about, will you all be able to handle that?
While speaking of Gura, holy crap is that a goddamn guerilla Minecraft stream I see on the horizon spearheaded by a cute little catshark!? Today just gets better and better doesn't it?
While Lamy's gotten over her fear of Yandere Dev for the most part and now she's just trying to get these puzzles done and over with so she can finally escape.
While Astel becomes Goddamn Seaweed Arrow as he drops folks left and right from meters away all secret and silent like before slinking away as Wraith. Current RRank Plat IV.
Oh and Aqua released a cover of Nyan Cat today after her 3D Live. Almost four minutes of pure Aqua nyans to bring your dose of hard moe. Go check it out if you neeed your fix. friends, where we at?