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History repeats itself

No.35195814 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pippa's breakdown yesterday just confirmed what the rrats have been suspecting all along: she and her fanbase were being banishment roomed and quarantined by her chink CEO from the rest of Phase Connect. The censors were coming and she will be isolated, which made her feel terrible. And we all know the last time when that happened: it also involved chink mods, got a certain legendary orange dragon graduated, and the official reason released was "creative differences". Pippa is literally becoming Coco 2.0.

Unironically I'm starting to think that a Vshojo-style "TALENT FREEDOM" management would be the best for Phase Connect. And this is coming from someone who despises Vshojo, but not because of the management, but because of their talents who did fuck all with their freedom, literally just high school alpha bitches with anime avatars. Kson, the legend herself, had her chance and blew it. But in the hands of someone really passionate in content creation like Pippa, talent freedom is a massive advantage.