>>35608477Boy talk:
Colt is averaging 9 viewers after two hours or so despite being the biggest leech that has ever graced /wvt/. This after 2 years of doing nothing but sucking up to literally every chuuba in tweet replies and self inserting himself into South Side.
Several lessons can be learned from this:
1) Shxtou is arguably the biggest leech that has ever lived but since he isn't stupid he leeches men to take their fujos. This is why he is the number 1 and not some 1view moron.
2) Arguably the male audience of a female chuuba might watch a male vtuber to as long as he doesn't deliberately piss them off or he acts like a flaming faggot. Colt does both.
3) The femchuubas who will defend you or be nice to you will not watch you despite all their support in Twitter. G*el learned this the hard way.
4) No amount of networking can make a bad streamer good. Even Artemis is in decline despite being actually pretty talented at marketing of all things. Work on your skills and your networking, do not neglect one for the other.
5) If you think male unicorns are bad, visit /cbdct/ and see the fujocorns. They are extremely entitled, so much more than men, and they will drop you if you make eyes at other women, particularly the gayslings since they have massive inferiority complex to women in chats.
6) You can learn a lot from chronic 0views by watching what they do and doing the opposite.
7) If a chuuba has a problem with their gosling audience, don't let her use you to get rid of them. It will hurt you in the long run, let some other retard pay the price. Collabs do not mean sex. This is something viewers and chuubas should be reminded of.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong in having 9 viewers after 2years. Most male vtubers wont ever reach that. The problem is that when you notice the sheer amount of hours investing in leeching and sucking up, it turns viewercount watching into a comedy. Most people don't actually try that hard. Remember you owe to yourself using your brief time in this world into doing something productive like not streaming while being a male.