>>35643750Longtime MGS fan here. You can, if you don't care at all for the plot, and are willing to be unbelievably lost in everything that's happening. The problem with MGS V is that not only it's the last game in the series [spoilers]Metal Gear Survive does not exist[/spoilers], it sits in the middle of the chronology (takes place in 1984, whereas the franchise then has games taking place all the way up to 2018).
The big problem on top of that is that it's written in a bizarrely detached way where lore dumps are relegated to audio tapes, the main plot is lackluster, its McGuffins are ridiculous even for MGS standards, and it aggressively attemps to retcon everything it can get its grubby mitts on. The ending is very controversial among the community for a variety of reasons, and ultimately doesn't add much to the saga outside of yet another fourth-wall-breaking twist ending for the sake of it.
The gameplay, however, is very refined and just about the greatest in the whole series. I would personally suggest that anyone looking into playing MGS take the effort to try and play, or at least watch playthroughs of, the entire franchise through the release order; I know it's stupid to tell you "just buy a PS3 and get the Legacy Collection lol", but sadly that's the best way to play the franchise, as it includes all the mainline games (minus MGS V and Revengeance, although that one is sort of a spin-off). The previous mainline games were tightly constructed linear experiences through a running plot, and all of them were fantastic (even with 4 being something of an oddball), whereas 5 has the plot occasionally peek its head here and there until it picks up steam by the ending missions, but then the plot itself isn't nearly as strong as past ones.
tl;dr yes, if you don't expect to have investment in the franchise whatsoever