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To All Judges

No.35939651 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
First and Second Appellate Division, Superior Court, New York City

Court of Appeals, Albany, New York

U.S. SUPREME COURT , Washington DC

I write DEMANDING a re-hearing of my worse-than-lowest Deadly Gangster police state Criminal Conviction which appeal case was in your farce Deadly Gangster ghetto-Communist Gangster Computer God-manipulated Gangster Court! Below, I state some of the many REASONS for said re-hearing, plus all of my evidence the Attorney General chicanerously forwarded to the Bar Association Grievance Committee for prosecution of felon Gangster mafionic negroidic the BLACK Frank Gulotta - a Gangster Judge, therefore un-prosecutable! The blackish menial negroidic-in-apperance-and-demeanor felon vicious Parroting Puppet ex District Attorney Nassau County with NO private law experience, DETESTED by all factions. In spite of this, SOLELY because of his many year secret gangsterization and crucifixion of ME, this negroidic low mafionic deadly BLACK Frank Gulotta was then IMMEDIATELY and UNPRECEDENTEDLY and REPEATEDLY rapidly PROMOTED - in spite of TREMENDOUS opposition - to the present position of second highest state judgeship SOLELY through Gangster Computer God manipulation!

As additional evidence; during the last week of my within-mentioned month-long WORSE-than-a-farce Nazi court criminal trial in Nassau County Court 1958, where dwarfted felon gangster Parroting Puppet rectum lapper sodomist Judge William Sullivan’s ball-of-fat felon slut wife, she - AS PLANNED - sat in the front row, repeatedly stripping her over clothes and completely pulling up her dress and slip and pulling aside her old-fashioned pink BLOOMERS in order to display her ANUS, her CUNT! She repeatedly gesticulated and whispered: "I’ll give it to you to suck! FINISH HIM!!" Her husband, dwarfted felon Gangster Parroting Puppet rectum-lapper sodomist Judge William Sullivan, flush-faced - in repeated open sodomistic displays - stuck out his tongue, WIGGLING it, CHUCKLING to her!

You hangman rope Gangster felon Parroting Puppet scum-on-top playboys can WATCH my Frankenstein Eyesight Television PLAYBACK of this felonious lowly sodomistic display by the felon sodomist Judge William Sullivan and his lowly felon-slut wife during my trial in Nassau County Court!

After my WORSE-than-Nazi-court criminal conviction-CRUCIFIXION, for YEARS in poverty I suffered hopeless, jobless character-assassination and ISOLATION in this low deadly niggertown. I was the repeat target-victim of this Gangster Government’s gangsterization and undetectable extermination attempts to SHUT ME UP FOREVER WITH MY SECRETS!

Then, in December 14-17 1965, I attempted to escape this worse-mongrel Gangster Communist country to return to the Slovenic- Polish land of my forefathers. Instead, in a Gangster-staged Parroting Puppet DEADLY CONSPIRACY, I was flown from Kennedy New York Airport AT NIGHT to a small, distant St. Lawrence River Estuary snowbound small airport under the guise that I was in Warsaw, Poland. Immediately many, many things proved this to me - including the two big white asbestos-shingled hangars with the large Braniff Airways -signs on their sidewalls - in addition to the many blurted statements I solicited from the many CIA DEADLY GANGSTERS - the assassins of ME - the many, many Parroting Puppets all around me!

I DEMANDED an immediate flight back to Kennedy New York Airport. Instead I was held captive ALL NIGHT, later in CHAINS! I refused both; all food and requests I’d “go to sleep”. Then CIA policegangsters pretending to be Polish police with NO identification BEAT ME BLOODILY!