Now imagine this, in a logical manner, let's say Adam said something mean about Tom in the public, for example Adam said "Tom is so stupid and ugly.", and Tom find that offensive and Tom decided to sue Adam in court, so Tom hired a lawyer and the lawyer sent a court letter to Adam to attend the court case, Adam decided to not hire any lawyer because this is so dumb, so Adam defended himself in court, he appealed to the judge, you are still reading? Fine, so Tom wasted his money to sue Adam for something a meager case, and since it was Adam's first offense he got away from it with a simple fine and bla bla bla whatever I think this whole Mikeneko Rushia Nazuna drama is so stupid suing her anti is the most riddiculous thing to do in the history of womankind I mean seriously they are anonymous and they say stupid shit on the internet you can just stop reading them and block them what the fuck man or just stop browsing 4chan no one is forcing her to check 4chan everyday I swear to god this psychotic bitch is so fucking retarded she should just cut off her internet and live in the rural area in peace