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No.36144308 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>H-hey Anon, before you go I wanted to talk to you about something..
>No don't worry you didn't do anything wrong
>It's about one of your dreams. You told me before you wanted a family, right?
>Well I've been thinking a lot lately and I...I think should find another woman for you, anon
>No anon it's not your fault
>Look I can even help you find another woman, one closer to your age! I have some cool acquaintances that I could introduce to you
>Anon! I told you already you didn't do anything wrong! I really like you anon, I enjoy spending time with you! I really do..
>It's just that I don't think I can help you with that dream of yours... yeah... I would like a family too.. but it would be very hard to... you know
>I'm sorry
>I really wish I had met you sooner anon
>It might be for the best