>>3657794What's that? Keep overanalyzing lore? Alrighty.
Back in the Coexist arc, it was hard to tell if Haachama and Haato were split personalities or separate people. She clearly settled on the latter by the end, but there was still evidence of them sharing a body that couldn’t be explained away. But now, Haachama’s death finally made me realize what’s going on.
There’s been two Haachamas the whole time: one who has her own body, and one who shares Haato’s body. To be precise I don’t think of the one in Haato’s body as a split personality, but as a kind of disease that takes Haato over from time to time. Haato did claim to have Haachama Syndrome one time in a Minecraft stream. I’m pretty sure she was spitballing ideas and that one didn’t stick at the time, but now it’s back. Haato likely has this syndrome because of something Haachama did to her, or maybe just overexposure to her. Haachama has talked about turning people into Haachama before. I always assumed that was just a figure of speech meaning she’ll make them go crazy, but it seems it was literal.
So when REVIVAL happened, I originally thought that Red Heart (who I now think is GODCHAMA) killed Haato and erased Haachama’s memories of her. What actually happened was the complete opposite: GODCHAMA killed Haachama and erased Haato’s memories of herself. This made it easy for the Haachama Syndrome to take full control of Haato, and that’s who was streaming from REVIVAL up until the last cooking stream. This is why Haachama was wearing Haato’s outfit in REVIVAL, to show that this is “Haato’s Haachama” instead of the original. Why things went like that and why Haato’s memories are now back I don’t know. GODCHAMA works in mysterious ways; some say that not even she knows what she’s doing. The best I can come up with is that she either didn’t do a good enough job of erasing Haato’s memories, or she purposefully gave them back so she could keep working on Babel.
Now we can get to the recent happenings. Haachama didn’t die during the last cooking stream, she was already long dead. The Haachama that ate the sushi was in Haato’s body, and the shock of eating it woke Haato up and put her back in control. That Haachama is still alive inside Haato; she’s what caused Haato to shortly lose control and try a bite of the sushi herself. Also, Lolichama still being around proves that she’s living in Haato’s schizo head too, rather than Haachama’s. I guess she could still be a separate person, but the original Lolichama stream is one of the ones that suggested to me that one body was being shared.
>Do you actually think she planned this much?No, I think most of this is the result of her throwing ideas out first and making sense of them later, but at least some of it was planned. Honestly, thinking that she does absolutely no planning is just as stupid as thinking she’s been planning everything since her debut. I don’t doubt that she chronically leaves shit until the last minute, but do you really believe that she doesn’t think about the lore at all between streams? It wouldn’t be hard for her to plan at least a few things in advance, all she really needs is an idea she wants to work towards.