>>36449328Did you find $15 on the floor or won it by a lottery or something? Why specifically 3 months?
I didn't buy a membership to Enna Aloulette for any member exclusivity like watch videos or perks of any kind although there are streams where she is more personal which I enjoy very much. I don't really care about the emotes but I will use them sometimes that the regular youtube doesn't have when the situation arises. Anyways, I did it to support Enna financially
because I have a thing for her even though she shuns gachi's and calls it parasocial but has said she wouldn't mind dating an aloupeep (women and their confusing thoughts). My other wife Rushia/Nazuna/Mikeneko gets some too if you know some JP but she's the most expensive girl of all with two channels, a twitcast and another I won't elaborate on. You'll get a lot from twitcast but it's the most expensive at $10 her streams have been inconsistent due to stupid drama. I watch Reimu, Rosemi, Marine, Aqua, Shion, Pomu, Finana on and off but they don't get the paper even though I enjoy watching em. I would kinda agree if you're looking for members stuff Millie is the best out of the girls on that with Pomu following up. I think Pomu has monthly wallpapers.