I'm not someone who has dreams often, even rarer that they're good ones, rarer yet that I get to remember any, and rarest of all the they have any tangible connection to reality. Anyway:
I just had a dream during an insomnia nap. I'm it, Sonny was doing a big streaming event and I was on a roll in chat, getting him laughing each time, making stupid jokes and one liners and got lucky with the timing and so on. He then screenshotted something I said where I was really talking shit, laughing as he put in on screen and typed under it something like, "briskadets: act" (I think calling my bluff on social media). So my account got some comments etc, mostly lmaos and the usual briskadet unity in our desire to duke it out with Sonny in chat. Anyway. I got a couple DMs from content creators, other people just moving the conversation along in a way where I was still landing funny commentary, and one of them asked very politely if I was in the area. I was in a big city traveling for work (again, real life tie ins) and it was exactly the area of the person I was DMing. So I went out to a pub and there were a handful of people hanging out, already chatting about various things that implied they were on the same wavelength of hobbies, and it didn't take long for me to pin a voice: obviously Sonny. And I called it out right away with a tone like, "Um, I'm pretty sure you're a streamer I follow...should I go? Is it okay for me to be here?" and he laughed it off and said it was fine, but in a way that implied "don't be weird about it". The dream gets fuzzy in details but I just remember feeling absolutely shaken and kind of delighted and freaked out while, of course, trying to be cool and also chatting with everyone as normal including the person I was messaging. This person turned out to be a friend of Sonny's from his PL way back, and eventually during the banter the guy gives Sonny shit using one of my chat messages during the stream that caught a lot of attention. This seemed to be done intentionally, because Sonny, after dealing with being the center of attention and teasing for a few minutes, asked, "hey, you're (username) right?" and I was immediately and hideously mortified, covering my face. I said something like, "Ah, shit dude, I'm sorry. I was having fun, I wasn't trying to like..." but he cut me off laughing and said, "No no, that shit was so funny, I couldn't believe it when..." and then it turned onto video games, questions about some of the references I made to older games, and so on. Later he said something and it implied he'd like to be friends and I was shaking and internally combusting but still trying to keep cool and not put my foot in my mouth and sperg out about the insanity that was happening. At some point he contacted me the next day asking if I wanted to hang out that night, I couldn't tell from the message if he meant alone or with the same group and didn't know which option was more nerve racking. So to avoid implying that, while still also keeping myself feeling safe-ish, I asked if it was alright if I brought a friend/coworker who is a grade A nerd (and has also worked on the gaming industry, again, this is accurate to real life) and he said that was totally fine. It really starts to skip through bits and pieces, and the last couple of things before I woke up were having some drinks with the friend to ease my nerves and explain to her everything, going to the wrong floor of the hotel where Sonny was staying, knocking on a door and upsetting an older business guy a LOT. I had messaged Sonny at some point to say I wasn't too sure where I was going, so he came down to said wrong floor to find us and interpreted my red face and panicky breathing + the fuming business dude to be a worse situation than it was. He started to sound serious as he asked what was going on, and then I started rambling and explaining my embarrassment and laughing because it was ridiculous and that's about where it ended.
What the fuck is this? I'm not even having feelings about Sonny beyond being sad because I enjoy his streams and it's going to be a couple weeks of not having that routine. It was nice to have a nice dream, but I'm a little disturbed at how specific and detailed it was and how many things were accurate to life. Sorry for the essay, I kind of wanted to both get it off my chest and get the validation that yes, this is all uncomfortable and weird.