>>36718372This actually made me curious, because Mori releases almost zero covers unlike AZKi, so I went to check the facts by counting all their respective music using Spotifty/Youtube. I took the time to exclude any remix since AZKi has a bunch of those but didn't involve her doing anything, but a self cover like Mori's lofi album probably required her singing them again so I decided to count them.
Notable takeaways
>AZKi still has released far more originals then Mori has>AZKi has released more covers then she has originals, which isn't that surprising but still pretty cool>Mori and AZKi are pretty similar in absolute musical output rate for their time in Hololive, especially given that Mori is slightly older then the 2 years I used and AZKi is slightly younger then 4. If you exclude Mori's shitpost songs as C-Man, their annual rate is nigh identical.Stream hours is completely in Mori's favor, but AZKi also has had 8 soloLives at this point on top of all her guest appearances at Holo's Lives and the veritable mountain of paid concerts she's been at. I don't mean to bring Mori down with this, I'm moreso impressed with how much AZKi puts out despite all of her other activities.