ATTENTION EOPs: This has already been debunked, yesterday on /jp/ in /hlg/. You are replying to Lapschizo. Go check the archive, specifically the posts starting from >>/jp/41755862.
If you are too lazy this is the QRD:
>schizo posts accusation that Shion is dating ex-Fortnite youtuber Lightt, posts that they are friends on Steam (the Steam part is true)
>he also accuses her of being the owner of a Valorant account that has duo'd with Lightt over 250 times
>another accusation that she makes fun of Pekora and Miko, and that any flirting with her chat is actually aimed at Lightt secretly. Another accusation that Lightt ghostwrites some of her tweets
>no evidence provided for the Valorant account or any of these other claims
>his source is "Lightt's friends told me this"
>he then deletes his post
>looking at Lightt's twitter, I found the real owner of Shion's supposed Valorant account, a twitter account @super_zakoshi
>you can see my original post in the image here
>someone in the /hlg/ thread then posted a link to the wayback machine archives of this account's tweets
>here it was confirmed that this person is male, has been duoing with Lightt since at least 2021, has an older brother (Shion's brother is much younger than her), and is bad at video games, but wants to reach Immortal rank in Valorant (this aligns with お腹すいた's poor K/D and winrate, as well as the numerous games in duo with Lightt)
>another tweet that implies @super_zakoshi is broke and can't send much money for Lightt's birthday
>finally, a tweet from July 8th, 2022, that shows that @super_zakoshi has never played Monster Hunter before, but is interested
>Shion had played Monster Hunter Rise in early 2021 quite a bit, and had even played a bit of World before that
>therefore, @super_zakoshi must be お腹すいた and cannot be Shion
>the fact that this isn't Shion's Valorant account means that the original schizo post likely found that they were Steam friends by stalking her follows on twitter, and then checked steam friend lists until he found a match
>then using this, he pretended to be an insider and posted the rest of his unverifiable slander with the Steam friends as a basis
I don't give a fuck if I catch a ban for this, this schizo needs to fuck off back to /hlg/ and stop spreading misinformation on /vt/.