>>37098451Oh cool. In which case yes, it's her Health Inspection (身体測定) series, which as far as I'm aware have never been done as off collabs. It's the other option I recommended way back when she first collabed with Choco and was looking for more, but figured it was a worse option than cooking given there's a lot more speaking Japanese involved, but good for Mori for believing in her ability to do this now.
It's a "getting to know you" series that's usually done shortly after debut but makes a lot of sense for Mori to do now as a way to connect more with JP fans in the run up to Sinderella's release. A lot of it is about Choco allowing the guests to sell their sex appeal without having to push it themselves, so expect a lot of sweetly embarrassed JP Mori as Choco spends ten minutes lusting over all of the model's nooks and crannies and then bullies her into roleplaying situations.
It should be really good so long as Mori plays into it - which I'll take as a given as she must know what she's in for - and she is confident enough in her Japanese to carry it, which she definitely can now.