>>37344932IRyS used to have no songs over a million, it took months for a few of her songs to just crawl over the million mark (Which yes, is impressive in the sense that their views didn't just stop completely), but I consider having dozens of pretty badly performing songs and a few that did average and maintained views long enough to hit the 1mil mark not good enough compared to releasing 1 songs that does breakout numbers and a few more that do average or above average.
The fact Irys has so many different music videos released on her channel but NONE of them have done amazingly I think is a mark against her musical success.
But yes the spotify thing is a valid point, her spotify numbers aren't bad relatively speaking, I was only looking at youtube numbers.
If Play Dice didn't do so well I could see an argument for Irys being above Bae, but still not above Mumei.
Because Play Dice exists, at best I could say Irys is maybe equal to Bae but I personally feel that's wrong, but it's ultimately subjective since you can't do an easy 1 to 1 comparison due to how different the way Irys releases music is to the rest of EN barring Mori.