>>37488838she already is from the look of things. The problem is she's too fucking stupid to see why her numbers are stagnated and too much of a narcisist to realize it's her own damn fault. Drama isn't entertaining, I'd rather watch a 2 hour stream of someone I can vibe with that interacts with chat than a 15 hour stream where she does nothing but watch someone else's content, drama whores and completely ignores chat. She's just not interesting, not fun, and has nothing to offer outside of porn, which she apparently hates. Congratulations Alice, you played yourself.
>>37488930All she did was put out enough porn to build an audience, at that point getting 35-40 people in an obscure platform isn't skill or luck, it's bare minimum. Out of 10k people following her, 40 going to trovo to watch her bloviate about some boring shit for hours on end isn't luck or skill, it's just the result of a massive following, of which only 30 people even remotely give a shit.