>>37514927things that probably aren't the cause of Mori's reclining music views:
- male collabs. Her recline set in long before those.
- lower Quality. Popularity and Quality are almost never correlated anyway. inb4 deluded cuckbraps replying "n-nooo you don't understand, her earlier music was ~actually good~..." yeah right, it was always shit
The most probable theory is that she's simply overspamming her music, thus lowering each of its individual "value" (think inflation). When you put out too much, people naturally start to care less. It's hard to get excited for the 25th same new stupid wigger crap song you've already heard a dozen times before, as you were for the first few ones, so her music views are down. Just like her ccv in general. She's the actual queen of deadsubs, even more than Gura, who at least still holds a regular average of 20k views (which is an engagement ratio of around 0.5 percent with her 4mil subs). But for Mori, a lot of people just subscribed for her music in the past, and have long since lost interest, so she only gets around 5k regular average ccv nowadays (for normal streams, so no buffs like special events etc), which makes an abysmal 0.25 percent engagement ratio of her 2mil subs.
Or hell, if you want to get more specific, it's not even enough to say that people "used to subscribe for her music". It was specifically the juxtaposition of "big tiddy anime girl" and "rapping" that they subscribed for, because it was a gimmick that once held fresh novelty value at the time. It was unique because every other vtuber mostly just did generic idol/jpop stuff, so being one who broke the mold was a great way to stand out. "Whoa check out this big tiddy ANIME GIRL who... get this... also RAPS?!?! OMG haha what an ingenious contrast, that's so wacky and original, I must like and subscribe and share with all my friends!!!".
This shit was like catnip to the sort of braindead ironic normie weeb mass fanbase who came to Hololive as 2020 EOP lockdown tourists, who can't usually listen to actual rap without pissing their pants because it's made by scary black men, but has now finally found some rap he can listen to ironically because it's from some unthreatening anime girl dork who's even more cringe than him. And Mori played them pretty well for a while, for example it was a good strategy to come right out of the gate with a couple prepared songs so she could ride the debut hype buff period and get an algo boost by having her music go viral from that.
Well, now we're over two years in and the novelty factor of "big tiddy anime girl who also raps, haha" has long since worn off. It seems pretty played out and doesn't work as well anymore. People get used to it, and it's pretty hard to get as much excitement for the twentieth same sounding song release after two years as you did for the first. Maybe she over-spammed it, maybe it's just the natural trend of general recline all around, but her regular new songs nowadays (unless they're a big-name collab or something) just get around middle average views for a Holo. For "normal" Holos, they put out maybe five songs at max per year, so each one feels at least more special. For Mori it's more like "oh that one vtuber rapper I subscribed to two years ago because I was amused by her first few songs has put out another twenty songs this year? Yeah, imma pass, no need to watch, she'll just put out another dozen few soon anyway zzzzzzz...."