>>3941620Yeah, honestly kinda worried, when she played that witch soulslike I noticed her aim is abysmal, like I'm far from having a good aim and I still thought her aim is well below the average, and that's a single player game, if she's bad well, she's just stuck in the game, but even though the floor of Apex is quite low, competing against other humans makes Apex far more difficult, not to mention that being a team game I can see Kotone getting fairly frustrated
If she's doing it to challenge herself, expand what kind of games she plays and actually aims to improve on these games, I can only cheer for her, although I'd recommend her to start on something easier, single player games like Halo or Half Life as an example, or heck, take note that her kouhais are playing Resident Evil games and play most the games from 4 onwards where aim is something you need, she could even collab with Kotone for 5, 6 and both Revelations where she won't be as frustrated on Sora's skill
But if she's doing for views or subs, which can be why she's considering it, this is honestly not the way to go, I know she's been falling behind many members and I can understand if she's feeling frustrated behind the scenes, specially with the Apex tournament stealing quite a bit of the spotlight during her birthday, but these games attract a certain type of audience that she's just not used to, not saying she can't handle it, but she should consider it seriously before doing this