>>3790203You will NEVER be a woman
Nobody will ever think of you as a woman
You will never "pass"
You will only guilt people into playing pretend
Deep down, you know exactly what they think when they see you
They know exactly what you are
They know exactly what kind of failure you are
They know exactly what kind of abomination you chose to be
And they are revulsed by you
Thinking about what you do to yourself makes them sick to their stomach
Nobody in your life accepts you
Anytime somebody acquiesces to your fucked up little delusion, they do it out of a misguided concern for you
They pretend to believe your lie to your face, and suffer for it
They feel disgust at even pretending to believe it, it damages the capacity to appreciate the world around them
They try to believe in a lie they don't have to, that you forced them to try and accept, when you didn't have to
Because you weren't born a woman, you weren't born with the mind of a woman, or the soul of a woman
You are a man in every single respect
But you area coward, a failrue, a fraud, a liar, an abuser, a manipulater, an awful, awful person who hurts them people around them
But you are still, and always will be, a MAN, a MALE
You will never be a woman. Nobody will EVER think of you as a woman. Nobody will EVER accept you as a woman.
All you are is a cowardly, petty little man, hurting himself and the people around him to play pretend. You could've overcome your insignificant little desire with even a modicum of effort and acceptance. But you chose to hurt and damage people and yourself because you are a failure, a monster, a disgusting wretch, an abomination, a worthless cretin who is a drain on this world, and that's ALL YOU WILL EVER BE.