>>38176095Scarle's a 3view and Kson's ccv has been declining. High CCV and vod views are the real indicators; some oil baron can whale 20k a month for a 2view and put her on the top SC list. If you have high CCV AND high income then it's unambiguous success no matter how one copes and tries to slice it. Really high income but horrible CCV is sus and full of groomers, high CCV but horrible income seems to indicate massive casual normalfag audience and/or the girl has become unlikable and peoples' gosling feelings are vanishing.
So income is a thing but it also can be indicative of some whales freaking out overcompensating, although I think this is more for Kson than Scarle who streams like Kaela hours only it's literally nothing but superchat baiting, it's so amazingly shamelessly blatant. She will read your SC if it's $2. If 100 people donate $2 each, she will spend an hour going through them, etc.