>>38568437>>38569384I realized typing that way was more emotionally inciting, and that most of the anons getting upset by my laughing at his suspension themselves typed like women (notably the Niji sister types Vox had in boatloads back when he was big) and quickly realized mirroring it got them even more upset, furthering my (You) spree. You can especially tell with that obnoxious
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>thingI did at the end. That one really makes them mad for some reason.
>>38575586Accurate. Was looking for more shit threads to fuck around some more in.
>>38600055>>38569448Nah. I was never actually invested in his suspension itself in the first place, I'm just a bad person who was laughing at the suffering of others who were upset about it. That anon's just netting some easy (You)s like I was. I was actually thinking I might not post my own grudgepost just because I'd kind of gotten bored with it all a few days ago.
I'm currently looking at Niji's new gen, Niji's are always easy to get defensive. I remember OP was actually annoyingly fair about it too, after I'd said I'd grudge post the guy he was pretty much just like
>Yeah that's fairlmao