>>3877124Let me repeat myself.
I am not trying to guilt you, I am just asking what your issue with being nice to people is. Why can't you just tell me? You're scared of answering this point. Do you want me to do it for you?
Here I go:
>people who want you to use specific pronouns are not human and do not deserve human rights, so I don't need to be nice to themYou can be as edgy as you like on this website, why are you pussyfooting around what you think? Just say it.
>>3877213There's a few reasons for being nice.
The most obvious one is, every person you meet and interact with more than once can be a potential resource for you to use. Be it for emotional labor, be it to ask for a favor, be it to potentially gain access to their social circles and gain access to potentially utilize these peope as a resource as well.
You don't just make friends to feel good, you make friends, because you can get something out of them.
The second reason is that if you treat people well, they will offer at least a comparable level of politeness. It costs you nothing and you can only benefit by being nice to people. And keep in mind that being nice doesn't mean letting people walk all over you, just that you treat them with dignity.
My viewpoint isn't any grand narrative or cause, I don't believe in anything. I don't give a shit, but I care about myself. And treating people well makes them more likely to treat you well in turn.
My viewpoint may be different from yours, but I see every person I meet in real life as a resource.
>>3877502If someone asks you to do something and you ignore what they ask of you, you are at the very least you are not respecting their wishes. You are attacking them.
>>3877579Yes, but my reasons for being nice are very different from what you'd hear from the average "woketard" or whatever it was you called me.