>>38710837It's obvious she has some issues with management. The irl vid with Hime Hajime, and most recently the collab with Ironmouse should tell you that, especially since neither of these collaborations were on Mori's main channel or affiliated in any way with Cover.
Ironmouse doesn't collab with just anyone, really only big names so to see her with notMori all of a sudden is a little jarring to say the least. Same deal with Hajime and considering her connections I'm a little skeptical of what this could mean.
Her story is starting to sound like Kson's wanting management to be more lax on the rules and them basically putting their foot down and saying no.
Whether she will actually graduate I doubt it, Universal would likely disassociate, but keep the rights to her music which would be a major blow, but if she does it's quite obvious where she would go.