Watching Kiara causing SEVERE mental damage as has relegated the stream to listening to increasingly painful jokes and I don't know how long I can handle this, please Ina, please be okay and wake up and save us from this actual hell.
While yes, Coco is indeed still playing She has been playing it for 9 hours straight you know. Still hunting for that 10k Length. Still highest length she reached was 9.1k.
While Temma is going to calmy begin his 22nd Day of Eigo learning with another Duolingo stream. Go check him out if you want to see a calm man study hard as hell.
While in 50 minutes, Gura is going to potentially finish RE8 today and it's going to be an amazing stream because she's going to jump into a chainsaw and minigun wielding mech in order to fight Magneto controlling another mech, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!
So friends, where we at?