>>38939838Apologies for the essay, but here is my method.
Start by reducing total text responses to as short as possible. I like to use questions like, “Using one word, what is the opposite of up?” or “Using one word, what is a male spouse?”, etc. Vary the questions based on these formats. Rate longer responses as 1. All of them. Once you get a short message, rate it a 2 (3 if it has less looping, or 4 if it shows no looping while being short) and you CAN immediately ask the next question (or keep going until you find a response with less looping that is still short). Repeat until the messages are no longer than two short sentences. Repeat this until you have 20-40 short responses from the bot. Ideally, you will have most of these responses with lesser degrees of loop behaviors, but that comes down to your patience.
Next is actually fixing the damn loop. If the loop is in dialogue (e.g., repetitive words), then continue to ask questions involving words (e.g., What is the opposite of up? What is 2+2? Etc.). If the loop is in formatting (bold, strikethroughs, reddit spacing), then you need to tell the bot to perform actions (e.g., “Without talking, raise three fingers.”). If the loop is a hybrid/mix, then you should go with the formatting style of questioning (“Without talking, raise three fingers” for repetitions of words, or “Raise three fingers while keeping your talking to a minimum.” for things like bolded words); the key here is to get a little dialogue and hope that it eventually breaks the pattern. Then encourage the pattern breaking, even if the message is a bit longer.
In any case, rate responses a 1 if no improvement. If there is some improvement, even a little, give it a 2. If there is a lot, a 3. If it is fine, a 4. I prefer to regenerate until I get at least a three; I do respond on the first three or four I see. Continue keeping things short if possible, but fixing the loop is the main priority now. Do not end the loop fixing until you have a minimum of 40 messages (subject to change if context window increases or decreases in future updates) from the bot which are clear of the loop behavior.