>>39253851I think its the combination of the age and the specific day of her birthday, it probably hits Marine extra hard. I remember watching a short documentary on Japan's population problem and they had this one chick working in one of those cringe weeb service industry jobs saying how she especially hates Christmas as that is when its culturally acceptable for couples to go out and have PDA galore. She was going on how Christmas is the worst day of the year for her and every time she sees a happy couple on that day she wants them to get killed to stop reminding her of her own situation.
>>39253955NTA but Marine's streams. She has talked occasionally about her past employment with black companies and has alluded to being mistreated and having her heart broken by male colleague(s) and being compared unfairly to female colleagues by male coworkers.
>>39254147Ah is Christmas also known as Couples Day over there? That explains why all the PDA that other girl was talking about in that documentary and why she hates that day so much.
>>39254362One of her black company stories led to her making a remark about cheating and having heart broken which alluded to Marine likely having had a brief affair at the job and being dumped. She didn't explicitly say it but she kept going on about how much she hates men who are 'cheaters'.