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No.39638160 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>been following a bunch of English speaking indies to scope out potential EN Gen3 candidates
>really entertaining /k/ girl and hardworking brits gets picked up by jew corpo and others
>talented EN vsingers who know how to play violin or piano keep getting picked up by small EN corpos
>other eccentric CREATIVIDAD vtubers passed over or picked by small EN corpos
>even a former idol who is entertaining, fluent in Japanese, a talented competent singer who knows how to dance and perform on a stage, and was part of the only reputable maid cafe in Japan (basically Kiara but better), got picked up by a 2view JP vtuber corp with an all-expenses paid trip to go to Japan to go work for them

>meanwhile, HoloEN3 is MIA with a handful of remaining picks that are nowhere close to the quality of the aforementioned talents remaining, while maybe two or three are close to the quality picked up by other corpos

Either non-vtubers were selected, like Mumei and Kronii, or god forbid another Sana, or they are scrapping from the bottom of the barrel of the leftovers from the other corpos. With the former idol, a top contender for Gen 3, getting picked up by another JP corpo, my expectations for this coming Gen is at the bottom of the Mariana trench. How did Cover's talent acquisition fuck up this badly? Will we have another sleeper like Council?

Please grudgepost me if I'm wrong, after a week or two of them streaming (models/debuts mean little). I hope I'm wrong, but as someone who's been following indies for this specific purpose, it's looking like it's fucked.