>> At their debuts, Kiara tried to force the ship EXTREMELY hard because she knew she couldn't make it on her own at the time and clung to someone she kind of knew (they were both living in Japan at the time).
>> Mori kind of rejected it a bit, but the fan base, lead by Kiara, clung to it even harder insisting Mori was just being tsundere.
>> Time went on, Kiara left Japan and then Kiara had grown enough to have her own fan base (still the smallest of Myth even though she puts in the most work, just saying) and ditched it "because it really is holding us both back from being our own individual selves."
>> In other words, Kiara got as much out of it as she could and decided to leave.
>> Kiara and Mori had a real life falling out as well during this time because their egos and personalities just clashed too hard. Kiara with her "I demand to be the center of everything!" personality and Mori with her drunken retardness.
>> The only people who still ship it are pathetic faggots who just think "lul, lesbians hot"