res for sc reading is up, here is the list
[2021.05.3]【NEW OUTFIT REVEAL!】Grim Reaper's Brand New Style! 新衣装お披露目会!! (finish reading)
[2021.03.21.] 【OMORI - FINAL Part 2】Mori's Last OMORI Stream! This is It...!
[2021.02.15.] 【VALENTINE'S PARTY】Eating Left Over Chocolate, No, I Am Not an Addict. (finish reading)
[2021.01.24.] 【GETTING OVER IT】Calming Gameplay with Grim Reaper Calliope Mori
[2021.05.17.] 【WE WERE HERE TOO COLLAB】Reaper and Shark with Excellent Communication Skills
[2021.05.10.] 【SUPER BUNNY MAN COLLAB】Usagi Madness with Rikka Senpai! 8}
[2021.05.16.]【GROOVE COASTER】Ready to R.I.P it in Style with Groove Coaster!
[2021.04.21.]【IT TAKES TWO】So-Called "Takamori" Team Work!
[2021.05.11.]【IT TAKES TWO】The Two Taking Continues!!!
Plus she forgot to turn on scs rn, this is going to be looong.