>>39944254I'm a predominately Cover fan so going to put my opinions all based on what I think is best for them.
#1 - How often they stream. If they can't even manage 15 hours of streaming a week, cull them. Your typical person works a 40 hour work week for absolute change compared to what the talent brings in. It's time they actually earn that pay.
#2 - Obedience / Priority. Cover is THE biggest vtuber agency out there. The talents should be focused on doing the best they can FOR Cover. You literally can't do your best if you are focusing on outside work / dedicating your time and effort towards that work as well. If you want to stay a Cover talent, Cover is your work focus, period.
#3 - Popularity. Like it or not, they are a product and Cover is a business out to make money. If they have no growth / extremely low numbers compared to their peers, especially after over a year, get rid of them, they're just a drag.
#4 - Focused talent. I feel that where some of the talent in Cover falters is they don't have any specialized talents they focus on, they're just "Generic streamer #2056402." at the end of the day. I don't think it's too much to ask that as little as 10% of their streams are dedicated to their areas of specialization; art, music, ASMR, etc. If you were hired as "THE ASMR content creator" we should know that.