>>4017705>>4017735>>4017737>>4017763>>4017821>>4017827>>4017884>>4017890>>4017902>>4017968Genuine question.
How are you content with Gura in her current state? She doesn't even prioritize her fans anymore, she just keeps harping on and on about Amelia.
Like, I get it. She's your friend, whatever. But stop trying to fucking force her into everything you do. You literally stop entire streams when she shows up in your chat just so you can have a conversation with her.. absolutely fucking disrespectful to your core audience and fanbase. You can talk to her any time you want, for fuck sakes, just do it off-camera.
And this is what rubs me the wrong way with Gura. We watch hololive because it's an escape from reality and a chance to form an intimate relationship with someone who loves us and cherishes us as their #1. But Gura is different. She keeps talking about Amelia this, Amelia that, has clearly romantic intentions for Amelia that go beyond kayfabe, and it's fucking sickening and disrespectful and tiring. I don't care if you harbor those feelings, but do it off-stream. Don't fucking bring it into your stream prsona and leave a bad taste in the chumbuds who watch you but don't care for Amelia.
And this is why, although I don't watch Amelia, I have some respect for her. She treats her fanbase as #1. Not Gura. Not Ina. Just her teamates. That's why I'm dropping Gura. I really think her entire infatuation with Amelia has turned her from a
>lovely maiden who I can fantasize falling in love with. provides intimacy and a feeling of belongingto
>A deranged lesbian whore who keeps talking about some other girl and how much she wants to get into her pants. Literally no different from any JP girl.