>>40348404Yeah, because that's not what you're doing at all. You're treating them as your personal property, talking about how much you want to rape them when you think nobody's watching, calling them whores if they dare to even say hi to a man. And then you have the audacity to make a post like this pretending you're innocent and they're the ones who are wrong. Do you really think some absolute fucking moron is going to see your post and say "Well, I'm convinced!" There is so much vile garbage that they would have to dig through before even coming across this post of yours, and you somehow thought posting it was a good idea. People are going to find your post and they're going to say, well, not only is he a raging misogynist, he lies about it. And it will just be more evidence that they are correct. You tried so hard to sound clever and you didn't even understand the words you used.