The reason why the girls aren't streaming lately isn't just because they're lazy but also because management probably told them taking breaks was okay, because then holostars can be shilled.
You see, at least 50% of redditors are obsessed with blue doritos and will eat whatever slop is put in front of them. That leaves 50% who might revolt, but their opinions are no consequence. For Omegatranny, getting holostars to 7k CCV like Vesper is a win, even if it means that Gura with her 20k CCV stops streaming entirely.
The 'logic' here is that the people upset that EN3 is getting bumped to next summer in favor of Tempus2 now will return when 'new girls' are finally released and hyped up, because they are simple simps.
Driving this is the fact that homos like Vox and Vesper weirdly end up with more superchats from their female and gay fans than the male fanbases of the girls deliver, making it theoretically a better investment if you can not only get that for HomoEN but also spread it to the JP holostars by building up the brand name in the west as westoids will post on twitter and japoids will then notice it. Genshit character designs will help move this along, is what they think.
There will likely be an Uproar2 with genshit designs if Tempus2 works as planned.
We see that people like Aruran and Roberu are getting better CCV than they used to (especially Roberu who has inclined to respectability numbers-wise) so another few pushes and you could make holostars actually something worth investing in. Cover hopes to crush nijisanji by beating them at their manjisanji game.
>girls take breaks
>boys (tempus1) also take breaks
>people who watch holoen as a BRAND rather than streamers are forced to watch tempus2, since they are the only ones streaming regularly
Also Magni on his stream tonight literally said he had to take a break because of jury duty, isn't that convenient? Takes a break right as the new guys debut, so they won't be competing with him for stream slots and instead he spent his stream hyping them up and talking about all the cool things they're gonna do and he doesn't want to spoil us.