Anons, I have a confession to make. After watching Mumei all women are completely boring and not special to me. I'm a fairly good-looking, somewhat confident man and I talk regularly to female colleagues at work and outside of work. But after getting into holo and finding Moom, I have totally lost the desire to acknowledge or pursue irl women any more. They seem totally unremarkable and fucking boring to me now. It actually pisses me off when they talk to me, clearly trying to get my attention; I think, why the fuck are you wasting my time when someone like Mumei exists? You're not special or unique at all and all you have to talk about is boring dumb shit, you don't have any of the cute mannerisms like she does. There's literally no one else like her that I've ever found before and it hurts. All I want to do is shut myself off from these bitches completely and only listen to Mumei. Anons, how do I deal with these feelings?