>Goto work.
>8 hrs bullshit customer service IT job.
>Get home.
>Rush in the door.
>Shut door behind me.
>"Can you hear that?"
>Lean against the door and slide down it, releasing a heavy sigh of relief.
>Nothing. I finally hear nothing.
>No bitching customers, no coworkers telling me about their latest fire and trying to fix it.
>This routine goes on for a few years.
>Friends go from having gfs to wives, and some to have children.
>During one day I get home and after my momentary sigh of relief as I enter my home I imagine if I had a gf--
>Damn near get a panic attack over the thought of it.
>Have to spend all day dealing with other people's shit only to get home and have NO fucking escape?
>My daydream makes me confused about why people even have gfs or get married or have kids.
>Fast forward
>Hear about vtubers on weekend.
>Ignore anything I've heard about them because, "Fuck, I don't want to even hear another person's voice after work."
>During the weekend is another story though. I'm bored and check one out. Maybe their gameplay is good or something.
>Kronii's doomer rants are hilarious. Follow her doomer clips.
>Hear about "Ina returning."
>Feels kind of chill. Weird. Nope out of the stream midway through because I don't like that much talking in my free time, but I'm left with this lingering curiousity.
>Check out channel history, lots of...drawing streams?
>Not into drawing at all, but I'm curious about what people like about this, so I watch one.
>Nice jazz music.
>Place phone beside me and lay on phone looking up at ceiling.
>The concept of being with anyone and it being quiet that long is so foreign to me, nobody I've ever been with in my entire life has allowed silence to happen that long.
>Just occasional drawing or "Hmmm" sounds.
>This is the most relaxed I've ever felt in my life.
>Next day about to take a hot bath.
>Play another drawing stream in the background.
>Comfiness levels I never even thought possible are reached.
Uh...I don't have a twist or ending to this story. Just wanted to share.