>>4151685Difference between second and first language on both sides (also different levels of proficiency on the second language)
You are WAY more liberal with your vocabulary when speaking on your second language than on your first (assuming you are fluent)
English is Coco's second language, so she can say shit she wouldn't be able to say in Japanese due to politeness or shyness
Meanwhile Cali is a native english speaker AND a weeb who can barely speak japanese, she tried to default to English thinking she would be less nervous, but couldn't keep up with the lack of shame and transient knowledge of the words coco was spitting at her.
Remember that old ass meme of the Black african dude interviewing a woman and asking "why are you gay?" as his starting question? the reason that is hilarious to native english speakers it is because no native speaker would lead with such forward and tactless question, it would be rude to do so
This is what Cali's brain was on the whole time "it would be rude to do so" add to the whole Kouhai/sempai shit that her weebness is blowing 300% out of proportion and you get the stuttering and nodding mess that was the colab
Unironically the colab would be better for Cali if it was all in japanese or if she could just chat with coco without the hierarchy being in place, something that will only happen once she starts to talk to coco much more than just one colab every 6 months
tl;dr languages have an impact on how open you are and Kiara would have been a better pick for the colab (better nip profiency, lack of self shame due to german being her native language, so even in english she would be fine, lack of hierarchy autismo as we have seen with her colabing with other members)