Actual remaining stocks.
Stocks for this meet and greet should be tracked here
>>40697089 and can be followed backwards
Last stock check was around three days ago
12:00PM (11:45AM Lineup) - 5
12:30PM (12:15PM Lineup) - 7 (Sold 1)
1:00PM (12:45PM Lineup) - 0
2:00PM (1:45PM Lineup) - 0
2:30PM (2:15PM Lineup) - 5 (Sold 1)
3:00PM (2:45PM Lineup) - 2 (Sold 1)
Other info:
Iniital stocks for the meet and greets for the girls are 15 per slot based on Elira's initial stock count for a total of 90 slots per talent amounting to $4,500 if they sell out.
They really are milking the boys as they also have 15 slots even if the time period is only 25 minutes based on Fulgur's initial stock count. With 8 time slots they each sold $6,000 once they sell out.