>>41335519>>41335519Because it's better to be nice than to be mean.
Symbiosis gives more benefits than parasitism.
We're the only animal on the planet with self awareness and opposable thumbs, the only ones capable of tending the biosphere of our planet for literally light years around. And by choosing to exploit rather than to nurture said biosphere, we're gradually eroding it's ability to sustain not just us, but most other macro organisms in it.
I know psychopaths have a hard time grasping the above, more preoccupied with who's better than who than with being content with yourselves, but your way clearly leads to worse outcomes for us, them and our entire biosphere.
Sadly I also know it doesn't matter, you'll continue to insist otherwise far past the time the consequences stop being mere numbers/data/models and start physically effecting us all.
Luckily the planet's internal processes will allow many more resets and hopefully we leave a strong enough record of our mistakes that whoever becomes sapient long after we're gone is able to avoid them.