>>4166943>Gura has sparked a monumental personal change in me.This is what really gets me because it's the same for me. It's like she held up a mirror in which I saw myself as clear as day and was confronted with my own lies, my own cynicism and cowardice. And yet, within these things I also found something old, forgotten, something I tried to bury away but which never lost its luster. A personal jewel of sorts, an unchanging thing that remained beyond the harm of physical life, poor decisions and painful experiences. I have trouble putting this into words, but it almost feels like being told "You aren't evil." It's like being shown that Love is a possibility by experiencing it. It feels like being restored.
This little shark has something primordial and authentic, something extradimensional and timeless about her that is straight out of a fairy tale. She isn't doing anything special per se, but her merely existing and being herself is... unbelievably magical. It's like she truly is a Princess from a faraway land of times long lost.
And yes, above all I want her to be happy. I want her to achieve her dreams, to be protected from all harm, to be safe, and happy, and fulfilled, I want to see her being nurtured by eternity.