Suisei does, that's why she has played games on stream with Robe-
wait uh, Oga -
Surely Rikka -
Hmm, maybe Temma -
Jokes aside, it's pretty clear by now that shit that can be shown as doing it for 'work' like music production or performances gets a pass. Things like zatsudan/radio/interviews get a pass, because there's usually an agenda, it's carried out semi-professionally, and the whole point is to discuss topics for the sake of the listeners. They're working side by side as performers, doing their jobs.
But playing games? Gaming isn't 'work'. Or it's not supposed to be. The whole conceit is to watch the streamer enjoy submerging themselves in a leisure activity for its own sake. If a guy is involved in that, ergo, the girl actively sought him out to relax with, to enjoy something with him. They're playing with each other, focused on each other, not putting on a performance for you. Unless you take especial care, as a performer, to make that the case.
>>41753854It's not just her, in fact. It's actually fascinating how many JP vtubers can induce a sense of distance and professionalism while still ostensibly seeming 'natural'. Everyone just tacitly absorbs the gameshow method of presentation without realizing how artificial it is - the same way if you're attending a play in a theatre, you passively accept that it's the natural way of the world for everyone on stage to just stop and watch one dude deliver a soliloquy. I remember watching the Oga-Fubuki Mario Kart collab, and it struck me how performative they both were. They were not talking like normal people - not even close. Not like a typical holo collab, even. It was one improvised skit after the other. Fubuki would do things like make barking noises, Oga would instantly catch on that he was supposed to be the boke and issue a stonefaced comment signalling her to go further, wait for her to amp it up, then respond accordingly. When Oga would decide to talk about something, Fubuki would complement his rhythm going 'so so', 'tashikani ne', 'sou desu ne' to maintain the mood as the typical Japanese radio host is wont to do. Jokes from either party are met by restrained titters or chuckles, then springboarded into the next topic. Ocassionally they would turn to the audience, effectively breaking the fourth wall, and announce what they were going to do next, or ask for opinions, and so on.
I suppose the English equivalent would be something like this: is an agenda, there is cut-and-thrust with restraint. You can practically time a laugh track. It's not like Tennant and Clarkson sat down and shot the shit. They're talking to each other, but really with every sentence they're talking to the audience. What would holoEN collabs like this be like, I wonder. Would the audience be turned off? Entranced by the level of wit? Would it solve the issues people have with male collabs today? Who knows.