>>41983148Normalfags don't give no second chances, loud filter voice at the start
Unicorns don't give no second chances, literally The Homostar enjoyer in EN
She's got whatever is left, which was and still is not a lot.
>>41980859 Bae is very far from the usual concept of idolfag that you would see floating around this board. If she had in fact been an actual idolfag, she wouldn't have been the Council member that Kiara got along the least not counting Sana. However, she's still driven to be the most idol-like in Council in terms of literally everything else outside of male interaction, even the dumb childish humor 12 year old schtick was a constant in the industry.
Both of Kiara and Baelz are the only two in EN that I think are capable of finding their own footing among the JP performers, I'm sorry IRyS but you're just too shit at taking care of yourself to tackle the more physically demanding dance routine.